In this tutorial we will learn how to draw the Grinch step by step. Grinch is the mysterious character in a story, it is a bright green appearance who acts to explain what’s in the writer’s mind. No one knows how it comes into its creator’s mind but the story talks about Christmas eve is to live with your family friends and share your love with them. End of the story also says that the Grinch understood the value of loved ones and always took care of them. Artists always try to get the best emotions which explains the specific image. So let’s draw it in a few easy steps.

Step1: I as a female artist can share with you that some image beginnings are difficult and some image beginnings are easy so if you have a love to draw something, that passion brings you to achieve the artwork you try to create.
So keep the reference image in front of you and create the face outline of the Grinch exactly the same.

Step2: Here we are drawing the face features of the Grinch, so for that draw the eyes first then the eyebrows, after this draw the nose and mouth of the Grinch.

Step3: When the Grinch was created, the story was related to Christmas eve so I dressed him with the Santa dress. He looks quite appealing in this dress. So draw the furry part first with different small curls.
Then draw the upper part of the hat which relates to the triangle and open the right narrow side which we draw with the help of a diagonal and curved line then you have to draw the pom pom, which is the furry texture same as the reference image.

Step4: Now draw the neck which are the curved lines, then draw the Santa coat that will start from the shoulder line then arms after this draw the two side lines of the body then draw coat buttons then the furry texture to the bottom of the coat and sleeves. Then in the end draw the hands with the help of diagonal and zigzag line.

Step5: Here we will draw the big round tummy v shape legs and the long Christmas shoes of the Grinch. So you have completed your Grinch successfully.

So from the Grinch story we learn to be grateful for Christmas eve and celebrate it with full of heart and how to change ourselves to get most of this life.
Last but not least is to give colors to our drawing. You can add any kind of background you prefer from the story , and you can also make your own book on different acts. Have fun with your explorations.