How to draw an Aeroplan step by step  

In this tutorial I will show you how to draw an Aeroplan step by step. So lets get started. Since airplanes were invented it is easy for people to travel from one place to another. It covers the farthest distance in less time. Like sitting in an Aeroplan is fun in the same way drawing an Aeroplan is quite challenging and a very exciting experience. It’s going to be very easy for you to draw it in a few steps.

Step1: In this step we will start from the beginning and for that you have to draw exactly the same shape as I have drawn in the reference image. This shape is more resembling a cucumber but again it needs changes in the lower section. After making the perfect shape you have to draw one curve line inside this shape. 

Step2: In this step we will add some detail inside the shape that we have drawn in step one. So in the upper portion of the curved line you have to draw windows and door after that the upper front part that is the Cockpit area. In the lower portion of the curved line  there is the machine box fixed, which is the grey area in the image.

Step3: In the reference image with step three we will draw the backside wings of an Aeroplan. Drawing is to play with lines as you can see with the lower portion there are three wings attached. 

Step4: Now we are going to draw the front wings which are a pair of one large and one small, covering both the sides of an Aeroplan .Our plane is almost completed in a few easy steps.

Step5:We are going to add engines on both sides. For this draw circles then curve lines and in the end there is a small box attached with curve lines in this way our engines are done. We have fully drawn our Aeroplan till step five.

Step6: When you finish your drawing, the next thing comes is to fill colors. So to see a complete full fledged look after filling the color. You can also create some background like sky or clouds to make your Aeroplan more beautiful.

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