In this tutorial I will show you how to draw a star step by step. So let’s get started. Stars make the sky beautiful, in the dark night we see the light of shiny stars. Artists draw the beautiful night with moon. When kids try to draw them they want some easy way to draw it. Then they fill different colors in the stars, this gives them a feeling of pleasure and excitement.
Step1: For drawing a star we need five triangles with bottom open which we arrange on different positions. In the first step, take one triangle only as shown in the reference image.
Step2: Now we again draw the triangle but should be placed on the right side of the first triangle so keep the reference image in front of you and draw the second triangle. Remember that all triangles will be of the same sizes.
Step3: It’s time to draw the third triangle which will be also on the right side next to the second one. It requires little patience because you want to draw the same as a reference image so if you go wrong I suggest doing it again. Well Done we have successfully completed the third step.
Step4: Here we will draw the fourth triangle. This triangle will be drawn on the left side so now we have most of the star done. Let’s move to the next step.
Step5: If you have kept a reference image near you from the beginning it has been easy for you to draw a star step by step. Now draw the fifth triangle next to the fourth one on the left side. Nice you have completed the whole star.
Step6: It’s time to color your star so it’s your choice for the color and also for the background you want to choose. You can also make more than one star smaller or bigger. Stars always look good when they shine so you can also apply glitter in them.