Hey friends today we are going to learn how to draw a screw shell step by step. The screw shell is also called a tower shell, it has a beautiful spiral around it. Its body is hard, it has different species. We have seen the tower shell in real life, here we are going to draw it in a few easy steps. So let’s get started.
Step1: Draw a diagonal line which should be curved right side from the bottom. Screw shell is easy to draw in just a few easy steps you can capture the final image.
Step2: Now add one big curve on the top corner of the diagonal line. Screw shell is the combination of cone and curves. It requires little practice and you will be able to perfectly draw it.
Step3: Here you should keep the reference image to draw different curves and diagonal lines which start from left and end up to the right side.
Step4: Now draw eight big to small curves from right to left as shown in the reference image. It starts from next to the right side curve line and finishes up to the bottom. The drawing of the first till last curve moves towards a narrow path. Insight the shell draws big to small slightly curved lines.
Step5: You see these shells lying and burrowing in the sea shore and they come in different sizes, you can give any color to it or keep it in the natural color. Use it in your artwork and add background to increase its beauty.