How to draw a rose step by step

Rose is a very beautiful flower, it comes in many colors, but red attracts most. In this tutorial I will show you how to draw a rose step by step. Red is the symbol of love. Rose fragrance is quite demanding. It is used in beauty products and perfumes. It makes your painting life. It is used in medicines also. When we think of drawing a rose flower we search for the easy steps to complete with a full groom.

Step1: Start it with the center, draw a   bubble shape then draw three curved lines one with the bottom of the bubble and the two will be left and right side.  

Step2: When artists paint roses in their painting they use their utmost feelings about nature and how they feel while engaging themselves in the world of nature.

Now draw two curved lines again on the right and left sides.

There is one more big curved line on the left side of the reference image, with that draw one diagonal line also.   

Step3: With this step we are again drawing a curved  line which is wavy from the top. Draw it in the same way as the reference image. 

Step4: After completing a few petals which we did in previous steps, we will shape the outer layer petals.

Draw the collection of wavy and curved lines as shown in the reference image.

Step5: Draw again one more outer layer, these layers are giving the perfect shape to the rose.

Rose petals are nicely settled with each other which show a good harmony and we also have to follow all these steps in the same way to create the look of a real flower.

Step6: Turning and twisting of petals are going on making it much nicer than before.

Again draw a few lines same as the reference image which I highlighted with red.

Step7:When we draw roses we feel  happiness, and connect with nature, which gives us the affection of joy and excitement .

Now it’s time to draw the bigger outer layer to give it a fantastic look. 

Step8: Flowers around us bring a big change in our life, like the spring season opens new doors inside a person so the effect of flowers is the same.

We have almost completed our rose flower , draw one small petal on the left side and here our rose is ready.

Step9:Flower looks incomplete without stalks so draw stalks, buds and leaves along the rose to increase its beauty.

Roses communicate between people, this flower carries lots of emotion in it.

In the words of Salvador Dali rose symbolizes youth and beauty.

Step10: Exploring your habit of color and how you feel while coloring your object is not only fun but a big challenge to give the final touch to your image.

There are many shades of any color, you can also add some kind of background or any  landscape to increase the prominence of your image.

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