Do you like a dancing bird,? yes today we are learning how to draw a peacock easy. Peacock is a beautiful bird, it is famous for its dance, singing, and spreading wings which are very beautiful and colorful. This is a happy bird and the biggest one to fly, however it flies for short distances. Children enjoy seeing the peacock, it express the beauty of nature. Artists can’t stop to sketch it with different postures to show their love, and the creativity to explore the peacock fullest.

Step1: This beginning step needs patience, because we have to sketch the upper part of the peacock, keep the reference image in front of you to get the better idea, the upper part can be completed with the help of some curve lines. After drawing the curve with different turns we have completed the upper part of the peacock.

Step2: Now draw the beak on the left side then complete the lower body by turning and twisting the curve line. Here we have done with the peacock outer body coverage.

Step3: We will draw the crest of the peacock for it draw some diagonal lines on the top of the head and then small circles on them. After it, draw the inner detailing of the peacock, which is eye and the leaf shape for a wing and then the curve lines inside the wing.

Step4: Now draw the legs and feet of the peacock with the help of some diagonal lines. So draw the two legs same as the reference image.

Step5: Now let’s draw the train and eyespot on the tail, so for this draw the diagonal lines then the leaf shapes which are called the eyespot which is the main beauty of the peacock.

Step6: Last but not least is to make the peacock life by filling beautiful colors in the it. An artist not only fills colors in the peacock but makes it the symbol of great love. Peacock’s activeness to life is a lesson for us to keep ourselves happy. What do you feel when you see a peacock and what else do you know about it? You can share your ideas with us. Your comments are precious and highly appreciable for us.