In this tutorial we will draw a parrot step by step. The passionate learners always looking for some image which attracts them to grab on their papers. Parrots are very loving birds, they communicate with their masters and are loyal with them. Their voices are very sweet. They need attention and attachment with their masters and they give love to them. We can say that they want to be with you all the time. They are nice pets to keep with humans. Drawing parrots is fun, I’m sharing with you how to draw them beautifully and easily. So the quest of your artwork gets fulfilled, so let’s get started.

Step1: In the beginning we will draw the head and back of the parrot, you have to be more focused on it and practice until you can’t get the same lines as drawn in the reference image.
Start sketching from the right side and draw the curve line for head then draw the another curved line which is a little curved from insight then stretch it to the left side again with a big curve line moving outside to complete the back of the parrot.

Step2: Now from the right side corner of head draw a little curved line which moves inside this is drawn to cover the beak of the parrot in the coming steps. After this the small diagonal line then the big diagonal line.

Step3: Here in this step we will draw the big curve by joining the big diagonal line from the right side that is the stomach of the parrot.
After this draw again a small curved line moving to the left side and then the one more big curved line which moves inside the body, completes the wing of the parrot.
Keep a reference image in front of you to get a better idea. Marvelous you have completed half of the parrot.

Step4: We will draw the second wing to increase some detailing in the parrot. So draw the turned v on the wing we drew before and stretch it to the right side by curved line . then inside the second wing draw two more curved lines.
You also have to draw the beak neck ring, eyes and back curve line as shown in the reference image.

Step5: Now we are going to draw the tail feathers of the parrot. Keep a reference image in front of you.
You have to draw three tail feathers, so start sketching them from the left side, draw a diagonal line then again some diagonal lines after one another and in the end the slightly curved line which will be finished on the right side till the stomach of the parrot.

Step6: Here we are drawing the legs of a parrot, for this you have to draw a few curves and diagonal lines. So you have successfully completed your parrot.

Step7: Last but not least is to fill color in the parrot, choose any shade which gives resemblance to the real parrot. You can draw a tree around it or you can also draw it at home with its favorite food . Do you love parrots which things do you like about them, share with us. Your opinion are appreciable for us. Have fun with you explorations.