how to draw a palm tree step by step

Hey friend are you interested in sketching a palm tree, I am showing you how to draw a palm tree step by step. Palm trees are the tall trees which grow in hot climates. It is evergreen and a very useful tree. It not only gives fruits like dates, coconut, betel, saw palmetto and acai palms but also is used in construction purposes .It increases the beauty of the environment. As you can see it is near the seaside and along the roads. We are going to draw it in a few easy steps, so let’s get started.

Step1: Palm trees have one strong trunk , and the tallest trunk is 200 ft. high.

We have started from the beginning so first draw the trunk, for that draw a straight line on the left side which should be curved from the bottom.

Then draw the next line near the first one which will also be slightly more curved from the bottom then straight line in the bottom to close the path.

Now draw half a hexagon shape to close the top end.

Step2: Draw two leaves one on the right side and one on the  left side. The leaves are round from the upper  side and zigzag from the lower side.

Step3: In this step we will again draw two more leaves, one on the left side and other on the right side, those I have highlighted in red. You have to draw it in the same way as I showed in the reference image.

Step4: Now we have to draw three more leaves, one on the left side and two on the right side.

If you have noticed in the image that the second leaf on the right side is drawn a little upward so be careful in selecting their proper place as it should be the same as the reference image to follow the next steps for setting more leaves on the trunk. 

Step5: Here we have to draw two more leaves on the left side.

These two leaves are not in a fully falling position as others on the left side. So we have  completed more than half of a palm tree.

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Step6: In the end the one leaf is left which we will draw on the right side and in upward position.

So here we have successfully finished up our palm tree. We have drawn ten leaves altogether.

Step7: Now it’s time to show your creativity in coloring, you can color it with your own favorite shade of green.

Do you feel relaxation and happiness by see the palm trees on any of landscape? share with us. Your opinions are appreciable for us.

You can also fix your drawing of palm tree near the beach side or can add your favorite background. Have fun with your artwork.

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