How to draw a mushroom step by step

Are you interested in drawing mushrooms, so you are on the right place. In this tutorial we will learn how to draw a mushroom step by step. Mushrooms are like small  umbrellas, they are very healthy ,used in foods and medicines. This fungus does not require sunlight. This is the substitute of meat for vegetarians.

Step1: Mushrooms are not plants but they most resemble animals and humans. Draw three seed-like shapes. You have to leave proper spaces between them.

Step2: Mushrooms grow in dark areas also and they consume less space so in small land it grows in large quantities. Draw three shapes as I showed you with the highlighted area in red.

Step3: Mushrooms grow without sunlight and some of them glow so brightly that people call them electric mushrooms. Now draw the half  rounded shape like an umbrella. Here we have completed most of our mushrooms.  

Step4: Experts can make color dyes from mushrooms and they are a good source of vitamin D. Now draw the circles and the diagonal lines to finish up the mushrooms.

Step5: Fill the color to make them more beautiful. You can color it with brown or any other shade with your choice. Draw a beautiful garden or the oldest tree trunk for your mushrooms. Have fun with your explorations.

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