Do you want to draw a beautiful globe you are on the right place. In this tutorial I will show you how to draw a globe step by step. A globe is a three dimensional round body which mentions the places of earth. You can check the ocean, sea, continents and countries of your interest. For the drawing purpose I have shown two different positions of the globe. Here I have shown continents greenery seaside and oceans. You can learn to draw it step by step easily with me so let’s get started.
Step1: Here we are drawing two different sides of the globe so we will start it by making two circles. I have given the numbers to each picture so it will be easy for you to learn the step by step sketching of picture 1 that is about the continents of north and south America. The second picture of the globe will show the continents of Africa and Asia.
Step2: After drawing the two circles as picture one and picture two, we will move to the second step where we’ll draw the continents of north and south America. Northern America is connected with South America by the Isthmus of Panama. In picture two we are drawing the continent Africa and Asia.
Step3: In this step I’m adding one more continent in the globe of picture one that is Africa. In all continents it is on the second place covering the large land area. In picture two I am adding Australia, again it’s the smallest continent in all.
Step4: We have finished sketching in both the pictures. In this step I have added greenery, some ice land and sea so it will give us the look of a real globe. Lastly I will fill the ocean color to complete the globe..