How it looks when we combine many daisies in a vase, today I will show you how to draw a daisy vase step by step. The white flower looks very beautiful when arranged in a vase. White is a symbol of peace and purity. The vases of daisy flowers are used for decoration. Whether you are using it to increase the glow of your background or in an artwork it works well. In my previous tutorial which was about how to draw a daisy, I have shown the easy steps of drawing a daisy flower. Here I will show you how to put them one after another to settle them in a vase. So let’s get started
Step1:Putting the daisy vase in any corner of your room, give beautifulness to whole room. In this step we will draw the daisy flower. This is the only flower in the vase which seems fully, the rest of the flowers will be settled at the back and side of it.
Step2:Daisy looks so dashing so the flower vase of it will give you freshness and make you feel the beauty of the world. Now for the second step we will draw two more flowers on the left and right side of the daisy we have drawn in step one.
Step3:When we settle a daisy vase we try to keep it full of many daisies so it shows its real beauty. Again three flowers which I highlighted with red will be arranged at the back of the first three flowers.
Step4:Always keep some leaves also with the flowers so its natural look should be clear. We will settle six flowers which we have drawn in step three after that the arrangement of leaves will come as you can see in the reference image..
Step5: Now we will draw some stalks of flowers and also a vase. you can draw any other vase which you like and also decorate it from front.
Step6: In the last step we will fill the colors, you can add background to increase the beauty of the daisy vase, and you can also draw anything on the vase. Have fun with your exploration of daisies.