how to draw a daisy step by step

To draw daisies is fun, here I will show you how to draw daisy step by step. We are drawing the three flowers on stalks and leaves to give them a complete look. Daisies are beautiful and unique flowers. It comes in white ,blue , orange, red and yellow colors. It is the symbol of peace, loyalty and innocence.

Step1:If you are growing daisy in your garden so you creating an innocent cheerful environment around you. In the first step you just have to draw the circle and three petals in a way as I have drawn it, as you can see in the reference image.

Step2: Sun and daisies have great relation both awake at dawn and share its importance in the world.. In step two we will draw some more petals , which I have highlighted with red color.

Step3: People play daisy oracle in different situation to find out the result of their ongoing matters. In the third step we will draw the three more petals. With this we have successfully drawn more than half of the flowers.

Step4:Daisy chains are made by girls which look very beautiful. Now by adding a few more petals we will finish up by making daisy. So we have easily drawn it in a few steps.

Step5: Painters and artists enjoy painting daisies in the fields sometimes to give them pure white color and sometimes to bring the colors in their artwork. With daisy draw stalks and leaves, you can also add more leaves to increase its beauty.

Step6: While making daisies we feel quite relaxed and just absorbed in nature so much that it teach us so many things in silence. We had made three stalks. We will draw two more flowers in the same way as I have shown you in the beginning steps. So our beautiful daisies are ready.

Step7: Last but not least is to fill the color , add background, you can add the garden and trees at the back side of it to give it a more natural look.

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