Today we will draw the thing which most of the time we hold while learn to walk, so we will learn how to draw a chair step by step.
Chair is an important part of a house, it provides great comfort to us when we rest on it, chairs are necessary whether we are at home or on a job.
It provides good support to fulfil our duties well. To draw any furniture involves us in the drawing so much that we would be willing to draw more items related to furniture.
Step1: This is the basic shape of the chair. We are starting from the seat so for this draw a four sided shape as I showed you in the image. Our seat giving the 3D look so in the coming steps we will draw it with all three sides
Step2: Now add the back part of course it is made to give rest to our back. Draw the three sides of the rectangle as I have shown in the image highlighted with red. you have to be more focused when you draw the 3D shape.
Step3: Now again draw a few lines to cover the back and the leg of the chair as you can notice in red highlighter. Now the chair seems clear. After this we will complete a few more steps to give our chair the final look.
Step5: when you draw something of course you have to give few turns to you pencil with the lines and basic shapes and this practice create the beautiful images.
We have already drawn the seat in step one now we are covering the edges of the seat. So draw it to cover the two sides of the seat as shown in the image.
Step6: Draw the front leg of the chair, it’s good to draw it with full concentration to create the exact shape as reference image.. The leg which is shown in red is broad from top and lean in the bottom.
Step7: Here we will complete our most of the chair. So we have learned how to make the 3D image which polished our artistic skills. Draw the other front leg and the apron along it.
Step7: Now draw the other side apron and the back side of the leg. With this draw the two curved lines as a design on the backrest of the chair.
Step8: I have filled the two shades of brown in the chair. You can fill the same or choose by your own.
You can draw it in the house along the table or keep it for office use. Select any background to increase its beauty. Have fun with your artwork.