Hey friends in this tutorial we will learn how to draw a bunny step by step. Rabbit’s next name is Bunny, which is given him with love. The baby of the rabbit is called a kit. People love bunnies because of the soft fur and friendly nature of the bunny. They run and play all the time which attracts humans towards them. Children also like to play with stuffed toys in which bunny comes first, so it is a very cute and loving animal who can be a good companion in our lonely times.

Step1: Bunnies jump as high as 90 centimeters. They twist and kick in the air when they get happy. In the beginning draw a perfect circle for the face of the bunny.

Step2: Bunnies are used to living in groups, they are the social animals who reproduce very fast. Here we will draw the body of the bunny. You required patience while drawing its body. So start from the left side and sketch the diagonal line then one small diagonal line then a series of curves which will finish to the right side with a diagonal line.

Step3: Bunnies ears are moving in all directions; their ears quickly move towards the sound. Now draw two long beautiful ears with two rounds on the outside and two cone shapes inside. Keep the reference image for a better idea.

Step4: We already heard about the running speed of the rabbit, so in the turtle and rabbit story rabbit ran very fast, actually the speed of the rabbits are under 35 to 45 miles per hour. Here you will draw the eyes and mouth of the bunny.

Step5: How long the bunnies live on earth so the Guinness book says that the long age of bunnies recorded eighteen years and ten months. Here we will draw the front legs and back legs paws.

Step6: Bunnies show excitement and fear with the help of his tail and in Germany the rabbit’s tail is called flower. Here we will make our bunny life so you can give the beautiful colour to your bunny. You can make it more appealing by adding the background of a jungle or bushes. If you play with bunnies you can share your experience with us. Your comments are highly appreciable for us.