When we draw big vehicle on our drawing sheets its really exciting journey of learning artwork, Sketching a vehicle is a lot of fun. In this tutorial I will show you how to draw a lorry step by step. You have to draw different parts of a vehicle and fill different colors to give it the real natural tone. Lorry is a big vehicle and used to carry lots of goods and chattels. It covers long distances to drop things.
Step1: Draw the front part of the lorry, for this you have to sketch the square which is round from the top left corner then the top line which is diagonal and the right side draw the curved line. Then with the right side bottom draw the straight line with the diagonal which joins the bottom of the first square.
Step2: We have sketched the outer body of the front part, now draw the inside detailing that is the door panel and the windshield. Then the front fender. You have to draw the highlights with red as shown in the reference image.
Step3: Now we are going to draw the hammer shape which will be adjusted with the right side bottom of the front part. It will give the structure of the whole front part of the lorry which you have beautifully sketched.
Step4: For the backside of the lorry which is divided into two parts one is the carriage which is used to fill the goods and second the machine part which is in the lower portion. For this, draw the small straight line adjoining the door panel then the curved line touching the windshield then the smaller line to mix with the bottom part of the hammer. After this draw the two half circles for adjusting the wheels. then with drawing some straight lines finish making the lower part of the back side, follow the reference image.
Step6: Add the rear fenders to increase the detailing with the lower machine part of the backside. That exactly gives the real look to the truck. We have half completed our truck with detailing.
Step7: Now draw two rectangle boxes inside one another. It should be placed on the top or lower part of the lorry. Add the rear and front wheels by adding circles underneath the lower side of the truck.
Step8: You have completed your lorry successfully, now it’s left to fill the color which is last but not least to give the life look to your lorry. You can add the road or other background related to the lorry to increase its beauty.