Cockatoos are very beautiful birds. Today we will learn how to draw a cockatoo step by step. Their crests are stunning which they show from time to time with different looks. They are pet animals who play a lot and respond to people. Cockatoo are very friendly; they seek attention of their masters and show aggressive behavior on neglecting. Birds are always loving and their flying opens up new ways of freedom for human beings. You can also check my tutorial on how to draw a peacock easy.

Step1: Do you know cockatoos copy the sounds which they listen from their surroundings? Draw the head and back side of the cockatoo same as shown in the reference image. You need proper focus to draw this step.

Step2: Cockatoos are very intelligent birds. They use tricks to solve their problems like to break hard things with cleverness and respond to their master talks. Now draw the wing of the cockatoo that is the half cone shape.

Step3: Cockatoos are very social animals. They play with each other and are very much involved in their play and also express their love with each other and their caretakers. Here we are sketching the curve and diagonal lines to complete the front body and the tail feathers.

Step4: The beak of cockatoos is very hard so they can break hard things and eat easily, they use their beak and feet for eating. Here we will draw the inside detailing of the cockatoo’s body as shown in the reference image.

Step5: Cockatoo has the wonderful crest on their head which they use to show different emotions like excitement, alertness and fear. Draw the beautiful crest, eye, hard beak and the fine foot of the cockatoo.

Step6: Cockatoos live a long life they spent 50 to 70 years if they get proper attention. Your beautiful cockatoo is ready, here you have to add the background of a garden or cockatoo in a zoo. What do you like most cockatoo or lovebirds why you like them do you ever have experience to take them in your hand? You can share your experience with us. Your opinions are appreciable for us. Have fun with your exploration.