Do you like colorful butterflies, they are like pleasant dreams, so today we will learn how to draw a butterfly step by step.
We all focus on butterflies to get the colorful life as butterflies have. These colorful creatures look so beautiful and very attractive when sitting on flowers.
People love to draw the butterfly because they feel excited to create the small little colorful one with delicate wings. The life of a butterfly is very struggling. It grows from caterpillar to butterfly which gives us lessons to work hard to go further in your life.

Step1: Butterflies taste with their feet. In the beginning we will draw a circle which uses the face of a butterfly. The circle should be perfect, after it draws the small circles for sketching the eyes and cheeks and then the small curve for the lips.

Step2: Butterflies can travel long distance. Now we will draw the body of the butterfly for which we will draw the two curved lines on the right and left side beneath the face, then draw the oval as the lower part of the butterfly body.

Step3: Butterflies can only drink; they can’t chew solid. Here we are drawing the wings of the butterfly, keep a reference image in front of you, on the left side draw the curved lines which should start from the top of the head and finish to the bottom of the head. Now complete the inner details of the wings.

Step4: Now draw the second forewing on the right side with the help of curved lines and then fill the inner details of the butterfly. So till here we have drawn the two forewings of the butterfly.

Step5: Draw the left side hindwing for which you have to draw the heart shapes, then the inner details. Keep the reference image in front of you for a better idea. Let’s move to the next step.

Step6: Now draw the right side hindwing. So you have successfully completed your butterfly.

Step7: Butterflies symbolize lifeful and colorful creatures, so the butterfly is incomplete without coloring, you can fill the colors of your choice and you can also add the beautiful background for the butterfly, like a garden filled with flowers and butterflies and so on. You can also share your ideas about the background. Your comments will be most precious and appreciable for us.