Friends let’s draw something interesting, today we are going to learn how to draw an apple step by step.
Eating an apple a day keeps the doctor away so we all know this phrase from a very long time. Apples come in many colors, some people like yellow ones, others like the red ones.
The famous Red Riding Hood’s cheeks resembled red apples, the snow white climax scene was also prepared with the apple when the old lady brought an apple for snow white.
Step!: People make apple pie which is very delicious. Apple has many health benefits. It is good in taste. Many dishes are prepared with apples like apple cake, apple dumpling, brown betty and many more.
Draw the basic shape of apples by joining two half ovals.
Step2: Artists draw apples because of the texture, perspective and its depth, they enjoy making different dimensions of apples.
Draw the leaves, stalk and shading of the apple as drawn in the reference image.
Step3: When we draw an apple to make it more real we apply shading on it so it also polishes our art skills, and we also learn how to create more depth in our image.
Now draw the half apple by joining two half ovals again. The half apple will cover some front part of the whole apple.
Step4: When you throw an apple it floats on the water because its volume is 25% occupied by air. Now draw the inside detailing of the half apple.
Step5: The United States grows 2500 different types of apples, Red delicious apples are one of the best varieties of apple grown in the United states.
This apple is very sweet from inside and completely blood red from outside. Here you have to draw the stalk and leave of the half apple.
Step6: Lastly fill color in your apple, so this is the time to make your image life. you can draw these apples on your dinning table or near the apple jam. Have fun with your explorations.
Conclusion: So in this tutorial we have learned how to draw an apple . It was quite easy to learn it step by step. Apple is good in taste some people like to eat and others drink the juice or enjoy eating them in fruit salad. Sketching apple is fun, you can also draw the different dimensions of one or more apples. Surely it will increase your learning. You can share your sketching of apple with us and share some more ideas with us.