How to draw a boat step by step

Hey friends lets learn how to draw a boat step by step. From the beginning of our kindergarten the boat and sea attract us most. We always try to draw boat in the sea with our imagery ideas. We also draw fishes in the water, and some mountains around the sea. So by keeping that lust of drawing the imaginary boat in the mind, I’m sharing an easy tutorial of boat. You can use it with the same background or change it according to your creative ideas . So let’s get started.

Step1: Draw the outer body of the ship, it seems a little tricky but by practicing you will be successful  to achieve it.

The two beginning steps need more focus then the rest of the steps will be used as the detailing.

Draw in the same way as shown in the reference image.

Step2: Draw the same shape as shown by the red highlighter in the reference image.

This is the sitting area of the boat, now the image looks quite similar with the main image we use for drawing.

In the next steps we will draw the detailing of the inside and outside of the boat.

Step3: Inside the boat, the sitting area will be drawn, that is the wooden benches, which help people to sit while travelling.

So draw a few lines as shown in the reference image.

Step4: Draw the curve and diagonal lines to complete the outer side of the boat.

It’s all made with wood, the lines start from the front and end up till the side part of the boat.

You have nicely completed the boat now the oar will be sketched in the next step. 

Step5: Oar helps the boat to move ahead in sea, draw a long stick then the oval shape which will be flat from the bottom.

Now it looks very beautiful. You can add two oars also with the boat.

In the next step we will draw the sea to give a completely realistic look to our boat.

Step6: For the sea, draw the rectangular shape which will be curved from the left side bottom so there will be two curves, one will be big and other will be small then the diagonal line on the right side which will join the vertical right side line.

After this draw some curved lines inside the rectangular shape which will give the glance of waves in the sea.

Step7: Are you thinking to draw some mountain clouds and fishes to make your boat look more prominent and stunning. You can also draw a person who is running the boat.

Fill your favorite color scheme and explore the feeling of  excitement with your beautiful drawing.

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